Free Google Index Tool

Google Index Tool - Bulk URLs, pages & website indexing. Uses Google Indexing API to safely and efficiently request indexing from Google
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How To Use Bulk Google Indexing Tool

Ever posted fresh content and felt annoyed it's not showing up on Google? Waiting for days or weeks for Google to notice can be frustrating. You want your content to appear in search results fast.

The solution is to proactively request indexing of URLs through AIKTP Free Google Indexing Tool. This indexing tool allows you to instantly notify Google about new or updated pages that need indexing. It automates and speeds up the whole process. You'll see new content appear in Google searches much faster.

Why Use AIKTP - Free Google Indexing Tool?

There are several benefits to using a tool for requesting indexing rather than just waiting for Google to eventually crawl your site:

Using an indexing tool is one of the best tactics to improve rankings by making sure Google knows about your new content as fast as possible. The faster it is indexed, the faster it can start driving organic traffic from search engines.

How Does Google Indexing Work?

Before looking at tools, it helps to understand how Google indexes websites and the role of the Indexing API.

Google discovers and crawls pages on the web using algorithms like PageRank. It then processes and stores data about those pages in its index. Google needs pages to be in this search index before they can appear in results.

Whenever new pages or content are published, Google isn't instantly aware. It takes time for its crawlers to discover and crawl the new content. Then there is more delay as data gets processed and added to the index.

The Indexing API allows you to proactively notify Google about new content, so it gets indexed faster. Instead of waiting to be crawled, you tell Google what and where to crawl. Pages indexed through the API will usually appear in search results much quicker.

Step-By-Step Guide to Request Indexing

Requesting indexing of your new pages is simple with the right tool. Just follow these steps:

1. Copy URLs to Index

First, copy the URLs of pages you want indexed into a list. This can include:

Any new or changed pages are good candidates for indexing. You can copy URLs one at a time or in bulk.

2. Paste URLs into Tool

Now paste your list of URLs into the indexing tool's text box. Most tools will let you paste in a long list of URLs at once.

Some tools may allow uploading a CSV file with URLs instead of copy/pasting. The interface is designed to make submitting URLs as simple as possible.

3. Click Request Indexing

Finally, click the button to request indexing of the URLs you submitted. The tool will send them to Google's Indexing API to notify Google about those pages.

Behind the scenes, the tool is authenticating with Google, parsing URLs into a valid format, sending the indexing request, and confirming the response. But the interface hides all that complexity from you.

And that's it! The URLs have been submitted to Google for indexing. Now you just have to wait for Google to process them and add the pages to its search index.

4. Check Indexing Status (Optional)

The AIKTP Bulk Index tool will offer a way to check the indexing status of URLs you've submitted. This lets you see whether Google has successfully indexed them yet.

The tool will resubmit URLs if indexing failed initially. Keep checking back until pages show as successfully indexed. This step is optional but helps track the progress.

Following these simple steps, you can request indexing for any number of URLs and get new content indexed faster than just waiting on Google alone.

Submit URLs in Bulk to Index Thousands of Pages

The great benefit of using an indexing tool is the ability to submit many URLs at once for indexing.

You can paste up to 100 URLs in a single index request and thousands of URLs in a day. That might include all blog posts from the past 2 years, your entire sitemap, or URLs from multiple sites.

Indexing content at scale is difficult to manage manually. But with an indexing tool, you can automate indexing of:

Perform large-scale indexing across any number of pages. The tool integrates with Google's API to handle sending bulk requests and validating the response.

submit URLs in batches of up to 100 URLS at a time, allowing you to index thousands of pages with minimal effort. Much more efficient than trying to index one URL at a time.

Why Use AIKTP Free Google Indexing Tool vs Paid Alternatives?

Some paid services like Screaming Frog or Moz can also be used to request indexing. However, this tool has some advantages:

This free indexing tool offers a simple solution for most use cases. It's easy to integrate into your workflows. Just copy, paste, and index.

Paid alternatives work as well but can have complex UIs and aren't focused purely on indexing. They require bigger time and money investment. A simple free tool gets the job done for most small businesses and sites.

Works for Any Website on Any Platform

Request indexing with this tool works the same no matter how your site is built:

The tool simply takes a list of URLs and sends them to Google's API. It doesn't matter whether the page is dynamically generated or static files.

As long as you can access the URL, Google can index it. The tool just needs the URL - it doesn't care what platform, CMS, or framework your site uses.

Use it to index:

Any site that can be crawled by Google can benefit from requesting indexing through this universal tool.

Automatically Index New Content

Manually copying and pasting URLs to index can still take time. For maximum benefit, you want new and updated content indexed automatically when it's published.

Automated indexing ensures your fresh content gets into Google's index in near real-time. This helps it start ranking faster and eliminates any manual steps.

Check Indexing Status

After requesting indexing for URLs, you'll want to check whether Google successfully indexed them. Checking status is an optional but useful step.

The indexing tool allows you to validate Google's response to your indexing requests. It will show whether URLs returned a success or failure response.

Possible outcomes when checking indexing status:

Don't stop at just submitting URLs and hoping for the best. Take the extra step to confirm Google indexed them properly. Then you can be sure your content will get crawled.

Checking status also allows you to retry any failed requests until indexing succeeds. This ensures no URLs slip through the cracks.

Improve Your SEO with Faster Indexing

Using a tool to request indexing of new and updated content is an impactful SEO tactic. It provides these benefits:

Get new pages indexed faster- Reduce the delay between publishing and indexing from weeks to hours/days. Critical for time-sensitive content.

Allow new pages to rank faster- Fresh pages index faster so can start ranking sooner. Especially important for blogs and news sites.

Index new higher quality content- Prioritize indexing of your best new pages to maximize impact.

Remove outdated pages- Delete and deindex old low-value content to improve user experience.

Index entire sites or sections- Reindex categories, archives, etc. to keep entire site fresh.

Works at scale- Index thousands of URLs across the site with automation.

Free and easy to use- Simple copy and paste interface requires no technical expertise.

Measure indexing results- Check status of URLs to validate Google indexed them properly.

Faster indexing leads to faster ranking, more organic traffic, and greater visibility in search engines. It's one of the most effective tactics to improve SEO rankings.

Stop waiting around for Google to slowly crawl your site. Be proactive by requesting indexing for new content as soon as it gets published. Use this simple but powerful tool to notify Google about changes to your site.

Start Requesting Indexing Now

Now you're ready to start using this free tool to request indexing of your website's URLs from Google.

Just sign up for a free account, then you can begin:

Take control of getting your pages indexed instead of leaving it up to Google. Use the techniques in this post to request indexing for your most important URLs.

The faster your new high-quality content is indexed, the sooner it can start ranking in Google and driving organic search traffic. Waiting weeks for Google to index pages is no longer necessary.

Sign up now to request indexing for your latest URLs. See how quickly new content starts ranking after getting indexed through the API. Faster indexing can transform the discoverability and online visibility of your website.

AIKTP's free blog writing tool

AIKTP provides all these tools completely free. Use them as you like.