Alat Penulis Ulang Berita AI

Buat konten berita unik, hindari duplikasi, dan hemat waktu dengan konversi bahasa otomatis, ilustrasi yang dihasilkan AI, dan penerbitan cepat di berbagai platform
jumlah kata:
Opsi berikut dapat dikustomisasi, Anda dapat menambahkan atau membiarkannya kosong
(*) Viết lại tốt nhất khi nội dung báo chí dưới 1000 từ, Biaya Penulisan Ulang AI: 1 posting + jumlah kata yang sesuai
Jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan, bergabunglah dengan grup Telegram AIKTP. Telegram Group

Rewrite News with AI

The AI-powered news rewriting feature is a smart and efficient solution that helps you create new articles based on content from news and media sources. This is a powerful tool for quickly updating information while saving time and effort.


Special Features

Direct Language Conversion

The AI news rewriting feature goes beyond refreshing information; it also supports converting content from multiple languages. You can pull content from English, Chinese, Korean, and more, then transform it into articles in your native language without the need for complex translation or editing steps.

Automatic Illustration Creation

Using AI technology, you can easily retain or create new illustrations for your articles, making them more engaging and creative.

Quick Publishing Across Multiple Platforms

After using the news rewriting feature, you can directly publish your articles on over 10 integrated platforms by AIKTP:
In summary, this tool is an ideal choice for bloggers, content managers, businesses, and anyone looking to grow their personal or organizational brand online. With its ability to rewrite news, supplement visuals, and publish across platforms, you can easily build a professional content system and effectively disseminate information.