Teks ke Suara Gratis

AIKTP’s AI text-to-speech makes it simple to convert text to voice, offering 200+ lifelike voices in 50+ languages with up to 100,000 characters per convert
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0 characters entered (up to 100,000 per session)
Versi 1.2 sekarang mendukung konfigurasi waktu membaca menggunakan SRT, Delay, VTT, Cara Penggunaan

AI TTS is a free text-to-speech tool developed by AIKTP, utilizing advanced AI technology. Its key feature is the ability to process up to 100,000 characters per conversion, significantly exceeding free TTS tools like Notevibes, TTSFree, or ttsmaker, which typically limit input to 500 characters.

It supports multiple languages, including English, Vietnamese, French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and many others. Users can select between male and female voices.

How to Use

Using AI TTS is simple and involves these steps:

  1. Enter the text you want to convert (up to 100,000 characters).
  2. Select the country and voice (male/female, desired language).
  3. Click the convert button and wait for processing.
  4. Listen to and review the converted audio.
  5. Download the audio file for personal or commercial use.

When to Use AI TTS

Frequently Asked Questions

Is AI TTS good for Vietnamese?

The tool is optimized for natural and accurate Vietnamese pronunciation. It also supports over 50 other languages with comparable quality.

Is this tool really free?

Currently, AIKTP's AI TTS is in beta testing and completely free for all users. Simply register an account to begin using it.

Can it read Word files?

Yes, AI TTS supports reading content from Word files. Upload the file, and the tool will automatically convert the content to speech quickly.

In summary, AIKTP's AI TTS is a useful tool for both individual users and businesses, especially in today's digital age. With its large text processing capacity and multilingual support, it's a free, high-quality text-to-speech solution with excellent Vietnamese support.
Specifically, audio generated by AIKTP's AI TTS can be used on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Podcasts without attribution. However, we appreciate it if you choose to credit us.

Upgrade History

Version 1.2

Support [delay] seconds format:

[delay] 0s  

[delay] 3s  
I paused for 3 seconds before reading this sentence.  

[delay] 2s  
Continuing to pause for 2 seconds.  

[delay] 1s  
You can use this syntax to pause between sentences. 

Version 1.1

Version 1.1 not only optimizes speed and improves existing features, but also adds three highly useful new options, enhancing user flexibility and experience. These new features include Speed Control, Pitch Control, and Voice Control, each allowing users to adjust and customize audio more precisely.

Version 1.1 also allows users to provide reading materials in SRT (subtitle) format. This unlocks the ability to adjust the reading time of each sentence, providing flexibility and optimization, especially when working with subtitle-based content.

Example of SRT formatted text:

00:00:00,740 --> 00:00:11,160

00:00:08,599 --> 00:00:14,120
Today I'd like to introduce the new AI tool

00:00:11,160 --> 00:00:17,680
That helps you read text content

00:00:14,120 --> 00:00:19,760
Completely free from AIKTP

Cara Penggunaan

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(*) 1 bulan = 31 hari. Jika Anda memesan pada tanggal 09-03-2025, tanggal kedaluwarsa akan menjadi tanggal 09-04-2025
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Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan

Berikut adalah beberapa jenis pertanyaan dasar untuk pelanggan kami

Durasi dan harga setiap paket layanan
Rencana harga AIKTP mencakup beberapa paket: Starter, Grow, Pro ... Setiap paket memiliki durasi 30 hari (1 bulan) mulai dari tanggal pendaftaran. Misalnya, jika Anda mendaftar pada tanggal 10 Mei 2023, tanggal kedaluwarsa akan menjadi 11 Juni 2023
Jumlah kata dan artikel adalah batas paket layanan selama 30 hari (1 bulan) sejak tanggal pembayaran. Jika Anda melebihi jumlah kata atau artikel, Anda perlu memperbarui dengan membeli paket baru.
Paket layanan seumur hidup adalah layanan di mana Anda hanya perlu membayar biaya sekali untuk menggunakan layanan AIKTP selamanya tanpa biaya tambahan di masa mendatang
Batas paket seumur hidup meliputi jumlah artikel dan jumlah kata yang dihasilkan oleh AI. Batas artikel mengacu pada jumlah maksimum artikel saat menggunakan fitur AI WRITER, sedangkan batas kata adalah jumlah total kata yang dihasilkan oleh AI per bulan
Waktu reset tergantung pada tanggal pembayaran Anda. Misalnya, jika Anda melakukan pembayaran pada tanggal 10 Mei, maka pada tanggal 10 Juni, jumlah artikel dan kata akan di-reset sesuai dengan paket yang Anda berlangganan.
AIKTP beroperasi berdasarkan API OpenAI, jadi jika OpenAI berhenti beroperasi, AIKTP juga dapat berhenti beroperasi. Dalam hal ini, Anda tidak akan dapat lagi menggunakan paket seumur hidup
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