
Paket Harga

Hot Jika Anda tidak menggunakannya secara berlebihan setiap bulannya, berlangganan paket seumur hidup

Siap untuk memulai?

Buat akun uji coba gratis 7 hari Anda sekarang

LifeTime 1

$ 100 satu kali

(2,500,000 vnd)
  • 20 posting per bulan
  • 60, 000 kata per bulan
  • 20 kali menggunakan KW.Tool per bulan
  • Fitur lainnya tidak terbatas

LifeTime 2

$ 200 satu kali

(5,000,000 vnd)
  • 40 posting per bulan
  • 150, 000 kata per bulan
  • 40 kali menggunakan KW.Tool per bulan
  • Fitur lainnya tidak terbatas
(*) 1 bulan = 31 hari. Jika Anda memesan pada hari 08-09-2024, tanggal kedaluwarsa akan menjadi hari 09-10-2024
Free $0/bulan Starter $9/bulan Grow $19/bulan Pro $29/bulan Corp $49/bulan
Posting/Bulan 0 60 150 300 600
Kata/Bulan 5,000 180,000 450,000 900,000 1,800,000
24 Alat SEO gratis (dibatasi oleh jumlah kata)
Riset Kata Kunci
150+ supported languages
Generate article with AI
Rewrite content using AI
Optimize old article with AI
AI Editor
AI Search
Terbitkan Tanpa Batas
Situs Web Tanpa Batas ...
Gambar Unggulan & Postingan
Video Youtube
Skor SEO
Auto-Indexing (Google + Bing)

Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan

Berikut adalah beberapa jenis pertanyaan dasar untuk pelanggan kami

Duration and pricing of each service package
The AIKTP pricing plans include multiple packages: Starter, Grow, Pro, and more. Each package has a duration of 30 days (1 month) starting from the registration date. For example, if you register on May 10, 2023, the expiration date will be June 11, 2023
The number of words and articles are limits of the service package for 30 days (1 month) from the date of payment. If you exceed the number of words or articles, you will need to renew by purchasing a new package
The lifetime service package is a service where you only need to pay a one-time fee to use the AIKTP service forever without any additional costs in the future
The limits of the lifetime package include the number of articles and the number of words generated by the AI. The article limit refers to the maximum number of articles when using the AI WRITER feature, while the word limit is the total number of words generated by the AI per month
The reset time depends on the date of your payment. For example, if you make a payment on May 10th, then on June 10th, the number of articles and words will be reset according to the package you subscribed to.
AIKTP operates based on OpenAI's API, so if OpenAI ceases operations, AIKTP may also cease to operate. In this case, you would no longer be able to use the lifetime package
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